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Realtor Blog

TX BBQ Bucket List

If there’s one thing Texas is known for it’s barbecue. People from all over come to Texas for the famous,...

Home Staging Guide

There’s a reason real estate experts tell you to de-clutter, organize and consider space planning before you put your...

Home Improvements

Home Improvements That Get You the Best ROI.  When you think home improvement do you dream luxury, like a...

Haunted Driskill Hotel

​​​​​​​ Is it or isn’t it? If you live in Austin—or even if you’ve only visited—chances are you’ve heard about...

Bathroom Renovation

SEED Property Group is here to provide homeowners considering bathroom updates with 10 great bathroom renovation...

Artist Enclaves

Located an average of 40 minutes from Austin, TX these four tiny Texas towns are recognized as “the Marfa of the East,”...